Animal services employees, rescuing the tortoise named Wendell, used ingenuity to load the massive reptile into their van after finding him in a backyard, according to a Dallas Morning News article. They say,
“Animal services employees rescued the tortoise, which they named Wendell, Tuesday after he apparently dug out of wherever his owner kept him and wandered into an unsuspecting person’s backyard, according to Mary Martin, the department’s assistant director.
When two animal services workers arrived at the house in response to a stray call, it required “ingenuity” to get the massive reptile into the van. Martin said the pair pushed him up a ramp into the back because they couldn’t lift him.”
The tortoise’s owner, Gabriel Fernandez, identified his pet, Lorenzo, after seeing a viral post. Lorenzo had escaped from Fernandez’s home, according to a WECT6 News article which reports,
“Finally, the tortoise’s rightful owner, Gabriel Fernandez, came forward after he saw the viral post.
“As soon as I saw him I knew right away it was him,” Fernandez said.
The giant tortoise, named Lorenzo, escaped from under a fence at Fernandez’s home.”
Thanks to widespread sharing on social media, Gabriel Fernandez reunited with his children’s beloved pet, Lorenzo, a sulcata tortoise known for digging and escaping under fences.
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